Saturday 11 April 2009

Is This Misfit Lil?

I just couldn't resist this photo.
Is this Chap O'Keefe's creation Misfit Lil?
No, this French singing star Francoise Hardy.

I will be doing a piece on Francoise soon.


David Cranmer said...

I would have to agree that she would pass as Misfit Lil.

Paul D Brazill said...

no complaints her mush!

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Couyld be Chap's creation though. OH and can you pass my phone number onto her?

Anonymous said...

It's a wonder no one entered Mademoiselle Hardy in Gary's Tainted Archive contest. Too late now!

Ray said...

If Gary can 'kidnap' the Tardis for me I'll nip back and enter Francoise's name into the hat. But would that change the future?