Tuesday 9 December 2008

Home Is The Hunter

After all the house hunting and surviving the horrors of moving this small family have settled into their new home.
As each of us have individual traits we all have our ways of settling in.
For me this means the strategic placing of my bookcase and putting all my westerns onto the shelves. Once that is done I can turn around and say that I am home.
The wife, Sandy, on the other hand must unpack the kettle and make a cup of tea.
However, the newest member of our family, namely our teenage granddaughter Chantel has astounded us.
We moved into our new home on Friday and, by the time we went to bed, we still had boxes to unpack and other things to do. But Chantel single handed put up her bed and made it; put up her curtains; connected DVD player, Freeview Box, Playstation and TV together; set up her music player and hung her clothes in the wardrobe.
While we were slogging away she was phoning and texting friends and letting them know that the move had been a success.
This was not a selfish act. Chantel did offer to help but we refused it for the obvious reasons. At least, for her, normal service had been resumed.

I have to admit that I was unsure about down-sizing.
It had to be done as neither Sandy nor myself were able to cope with a large garden. Now everything is on one floor and it is someone else's job to take care of the gardening.
The peculiar thing is that now everything is in it's place we seem to have more space.
My thanks go to my two sons, Jack and Scott, who took the brunt of the heavier loads and my daughter-in-law, Nicola, who drove the van.
And to my two small grandsons Luke and Ryan who recognised their grandfather's priority by piling books onto the bookshelf. Eventually, I will teach them things like alphabetical order and that it is not necessary to put as many books as possible onto one shelf - but it is the thought that counts.


Steve M said...

Good to hear the move went successfully...and great to read that the books come first! LOL

Anonymous said...

And welcome back via your reopened Broken Trails !


Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

I hope your new place brings you much happiness.

Carolyn said...

Hi Ray,

Love love love the unpacking books = feeling at home. I can relate!

We've also downsized in our move to Suffolk -- always a challenge whether from Australia or somewhere a bit closer.

Am pleased to have found your blog and will try to read more soon.

Cheers from Carolyn at Scribblers.