Sunday, 22 February 2009

Jack Martin - The Tarnished Star

Question: Are we heading for a Western best seller?
Already Jack Martin's June issue of the novel 'The Tarnished Star' is at the top of Amazon's pre-order chart.
This is quite an acheivement for a new author with his first book - and it puts the Black Horse Western brand at the top of the list as well.
Jack Martin has already had a short story - 'A Man Called Masters' - published in the popular on-line magazine Beat To A Pulp that received enthusiastic praise.
Jack Martin's second novel 'Arkansas Smith' has been accepted for publication - let us hope that in the light of the growing success of 'The Tarnished Star' that the publication date is brought forward.
Keep up to date with the saga by visiting The Tainted Archive (link in panel to left) and continue to support Wild West Monday on the 2nd March.


Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Thanks for the plug Ray - course it just goes to prove what we've always known - Black Horse westerns are good enough to be up there with the best of them.

David Cranmer said...

Gary deserves tons of kudos for the light he's shining on the genre. And I'm looking forward to reading The Tarnished Star.

Nik Morton said...

The big guns in publishing seem to have been 'blogged' into second place. Well done, Gary - well deserved.
Nik (Ross Morton)